Thursday, May 16, 2019

End of Year Info

Hello, Parents!

The end of the school year comes with many events, changes in schedule, etc.

On Tuesday, 5/21, kids will have field day (so long as the weather cooperates). This will be from 8:45-11:45 and then their lunch will be from 11:45-12:30. Please send them to school with a water bottle, comfortable shoes, and weather-appropriate clothing. You're welcome to join in on the fun!

On Wednesday, 5.22, kids have their in-school field trip with the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.

On Friday, 5/24, we're having the Last Day of School Picnic. This will be during the kids' normal lunch time, 10:45-11:15. All teachers will have sign-out sheets ready at this picnic should you choose to sign your kid out after lunch.

Like I mentioned a few weeks ago, I am having to be absent several days before the school year is over. Next week, I will be at a teaching conference and will be gone Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I know this is not ideal, but the fabulous Mrs. Bugg will be subbing for me on these days. I can assure you the kids are in GREAT hands with her. I will be back for Friday, the last day of school. 

Last thing - I wanted to give you a heads up that pink eye has been traveling around the class. I know of 3 cases in our class over the past few days. Be warned! Set off a Lysol bomb. :)

Let me know if you have any questions! Thanks!
